Space 2

Miloslav Marshal, 2019

12 000 Kč

68 x 48 cm

Medium: Combined technique
Material: Paper
Style: Abstract
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Miloslav Marshal


Academic painter


Leading painter Miloslav Marschal graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.Painter creates original abstract paintings.What is important for him is the construction of space into which he places the individual elements, which then form a natural whole.

Additional info

Separate Exhibitions - Golden Lilies Gallery, Kelly's Gallery Edinburgh, City Gallery Wettingen, Switzerland, Schenker Gallery, Lucerne, Borsky Gallery, Genova and td

Group exhibitions - NISHIVOMIYA Gallery, Tokyo, Folk House Prague, House of Arts in České Budějovice, 2002 exhibition in Tübingen, Germany, participation in more than 20 exhibitions of the New Association of Prague Artists and many others.

Represented in galleries in Ostrava, the South Bohemian Gallery Hluboká, the Wettingen City Gallery and in private collections at home and abroad.

He is a holder of the Honorable Mention of the Spanish company BARCELLO.

Other artworks by this author

Space 2

Miloslav Marshal
68 x 48 cm
Combined technique, Paper
12 000 Kč

Space 3

Miloslav Marshal
64 x 42 cm
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14 000 Kč

Space 4

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60 x 37 cm
Combined technique, Paper
14 000 Kč

Space 5

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53 x 38 cm
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14 000 Kč

Space 6

Miloslav Marshal
59 x 45 cm
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Space 7

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14 000 Kč

In space 1

Miloslav Marshal
63 x 44 cm
Combined technique, Paper
15 000 Kč