Terms and Conditions
Basic Statements
These General Terms and Conditions (the "Terms") govern the relationship between the operator of the online store operated on the website located on the Internet at domain www.aventurin.eu,by company Growing technologies s.r.o., Prague establishment, (hereinafter referred to as "Seller") and its customers (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer").
Seller is a company Growing technologies s.r.o.. ID:05283540 , registered office Kaprova 42/14, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic, registered in the Commercial Register of the Městský soud Praha Section: Sro, Insert NoC 261057. The Company is subject to VAT.
Buyer: If the buyer is a natural person who does not pursue the purchase of part of their business activities (hereinafter referred to as "consumer"), relations not governed by these terms and conditions are subject to the Civil Code (no.89/2012 Coll.) and the Consumer Protection Act (no.634/1992 Coll.), as amended. If a Contracting Party to the natural or legal person is purchasing goods in the course of business, the relations not modified by Terms and Conditions are governed by Commercial Code (no.513/1991 Coll.), as amended by all valid amendments.
Subject of sale:
The subject of sale are original paintings and other art objects, presented on the website AVENTURIN.EU, which at the time of sale are owned by the Seller, or are the property of their authors; in this case, the seller acts as the facilitator and organizer of trade.
Purchase Contract
Draft contract of sale is exposure offered goods, including its price, on the Seller's website www.aventurin.eu, purchase agreement itself arises upon the acceptance of Buyer's sent order by the Seller. Acceptance of order will be confirmed by the Seller by sending informational email to the email address specified by the Buyer. Resulting contract (including the agreed price) can be changed or canceled only by agreement of the parties, for the reasons specified below or on other legal grounds. By entering into a purchase contract between the Buyer and Seller, mutual rights and obligations are formed for both parties.
By submitting an order the Buyer also confirms that he is familiar with these Terms and Conditions, including warranty claim procedure, and agrees with them.
Changing or canceling orders by the Seller: Seller reserves the right to change or cancel the order, respectively purchase contract or part thereof, in the case that:
Sold goods before shipment shows any visible defects, which have significant influence on the appearance of goods. Has reasonable doubts about the credibility or veracity of the Buyer specified in the order, and there is an assumption that the performance of the Seller would objectively lead to his financial or material injury. Technical error in the operation of e-commerce resulted in stating wrong parameters, properties or prices of goods and services. Changing or canceling orders from the Buyer - the Buyer has the right to change order, respectively contract, without giving any reason to change or cancel it at any time during the ordering process. After execution of the order and notifying the Buyer by sending informational email, the order can not be changed or canceled. Conclusion of the contract is archived by the Seller for its successful fulfillment and is not accessible to non-participating third parties.
These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the purchase contract.
Purchase Order
Before submission of an order via the website, it is necessary to register user account, according to the instructions provided on the website.
While registering, the required information must be filled in, either as a consumer or entrepreneur. Required informations entries are marked. Without these data, it is not possible to register and execute the sale contract. Putting a Tax Identification Number of the buying entrepreneurs is necessary to completing a proper tax document.The tax document is delivered to the Buyer along with the delivery of the goods.
Seller reserves the right to cancel the order of the Buyer, or a part thereof before a executing a purchase contract, if the demanded goods can not be delivered, there was a change in the price of goods, the delivery of goods would be delayed, etc.. Cancellation of an order takes place with the consent of the Buyer.
If the order is canceled or parts thereof, and the Buyer has already paid all or part of the purchase price, then the Seller will transfer this sum of money without undue delay to the account, according to agreement of the parties.
Executed order is archived by the Seller for the purpose of its successful performance and is not accessible to non-participating third parties.
Each order will receive a registration number, under which it will be maintained until it's full execution.
The Buyer is entitled to ask the Seller about the current status of order and the Seller is bound to provide this information to the Buyer.
In the case of concluding individual contract with the Buyer, this contract shall prevail over these Terms.
The price of goods
All prices on the goods listed on the online store are final, including VAT. VAT amount is determined in accordance with Council Directive 94/5 / EC of 14 February 1994 supplementing the common system of value added tax and amending Directive 77/388 / EEC - Special arrangements applicable to second-hand goods, works of art, collectibles and antiques and is calculated depending on the state of the Buyer.
Price of goods including VAT will be sated in the Buyer's order, the content of which the Buyer can always get acquainted in an email, informing the Buyer that the goods order was delivered to the Seller. That amount must be paid by the Buyer within 10 calendar days of receipt of the email, otherwise the booking of ordered artworks will be canceled.
Buyer acknowledges that this information e-mail is not acceptance of the order by the Seller and thus no purchase contract is execurted. If the Buyer does not agree with the order, he does not confirm the sending of order to the Seller.
Payment Terms
The purchase price of the goods can be paid by:
Payment in cash upon personal delivery. Payment in Advance by bank transfer, about that the Buyer shall notify the Seller. Payment by credit card or Cash On Delivery is not possible. Delivery terms
Personal pick-up
The personal pick-up of goods is possible only for Buyerm or a person authorized by Buyer, who presents a written power of attorney. In the case of commercial companies, the power of attorney must be granted by statutory authority of the purchaser.
Delivery of the goods will take place at a location of an agreement with the seller.
Sending by transport service or delivery of goods by postal service
Delivery within the Czech Republic Shipping charges for delivery of the goods within the Czech Republic are calculated automatically when placing the order. After order confirmation, the shipment is dispatched by the Seller after the payment of its price.
Delivery outside the Czech Republic When delivering goods outside the Czech Republic, the Seller first sends an offer of shipment charges for sending the shipment out of the Czech Republic, according to the applicable legislation of the country of delivery. In this case, the purchase contract is concluded when Buyer agrees with this offer. The shipment is dispatched after the full payment of the price of goods and shipping charges by the Buyer.
If the transport service delivers incomplete or damaged shipment, the Buyer is bound to fill the complaint protocol on shipment damage and send this protocol without undue delay to the Seller.
If the Buyer takes over the damaged shipment from transport service, he should take photographs of damaged goods at the time of receipt and send these photographs without delay to the Seller.
Withdrawal from the Contract
If the purchase contract is concluded via the website www.aventurin.eu, the Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract terms applicable to individual states, but no later than specified in accordance with provisions § 1829 of the Civil Code immediately after receipt of the goods, at the latest within 14 days after receipt of the goods.
Decision of Buyer to withdraw from the contract must be delivered to the Seller, with written information about Order No., date of receipt and account number for refunding the already paid price. After returning the goods, the Contract cancellation will be accepted and paid money will be returned to the Buyer's account.
When sending goods back to the Seller, the Buyer is bound to pack goods so that during transport, the shipment will be adequately protected against damage.
Money for returned goods will be refunded to the Buyer within 30 days of goods return, based on Buyer's withdrawal from the Contract.
Buyer takes full responsibility for preventing damage of goods while returning them. Buyer is obliged to return the goods complete, undamaged, clean, if possible in a complete original packaging, in the condition and value in which the Buyer receipted these goods. In the case that the returned goods will be incomplete or damaged, the Seller can cut down the refund sum by an amount corresponding with the damage, with which the Buyer agrees. Buyer is aware of the fact, that the goods are original artworks and damage of those can lead to the full devaluement, and hence the impossibility of returning those damaged goods back to the Seller.
The purchase price to be returned to the Buyer may be increased by Seller's actual and verifiable expenses incurred for returning the goods (transport costs, etc.), to which the Buyer agrees.
Goods returned by the Buyer, who used his right and resigned from the contract, will not be accepted by the Seller if sent with C. O. D. (cash on delivery).
Complaining an artwork is possible only assuming, that the Buyer was knowingly or unknowingly misled, in example by selling copies instead of the original artwork, stating a incorrect name of the author of the artwork, or other matters of fact important for the artwork's value.