Olga Stárková


Academic painter


The prominent painter Olga Stárková is a member of the New Association of Prague Artists and is represented in the Dictionary of Czech Fine Artists.


Additional info

Exhibitions in the Czech Republic - Prague Green House, Olomouc Gal Bohema, Karlovy Vary, Ceske Budejovice Czech Artists Fund, Prague Czech Artists Fund etc.

Solo exhibitions abroad Ried, Austria, private gallery, Munich -Institut Max-Planc, Germany, Erfurt, Germany private gallery a td

Joint exhibitions abroad - Czechoslovak art collection Japan Tokyo, joint exhibitions Art Center Munich, Frankfurt and works in Czech galleries as well as in private collections and galleries in Germany, Austria, Japan, France, Poland and Sweden.

Colors and shapes in nature 1

Olga Stárková
100 x 80 cm
Acrylic, Canvas
25 000 Kč

Colors and shapes in nature 2

Olga Stárková
60 x 80 cm
Acrylic, Canvas
23 000 Kč